Sunday, September 27, 2015

Elder and Sister Elkington
September 27, 2015
We continue to go through the Heritage Park Branch membership list – knocking on doors where the list indicates members live.  When no one answers the door we leave a note on one of our cards expressing sorrow at missing them and saying we will call again.  After several tries, it is easy to convince yourself that the member in question is avoiding you; but, then someone answers the door and they are very happy to see you!  Just because no one answers a knock on the door does not mean they are avoiding you!
We go with the young elders when they teach a nine year old boy on the Shivwits Reservation.  He along with siblings and cousins (7 to 9 of them) are being raised by their grandmother. The elders have completed the prescribed lessons and are now reading from the Book of Mormon with him.  Sister Elkington has ingratiated herself to these children by taking cookies each time. When the elders tell Ethan they are going to read he gets his copy of the Book of Mormon and the other children run and get their copies.  They are so anxious to read the scriptures.  Ethan holds his book very close to his eyes – it is obvious he is near sighted.  (We are going to see if we can get his eyes checked through the school.)  Ethan’s seven year old sister sat by Sister Elkington and said, “I can’t read.  Will you help me?’  We take turns reading – each person reads one verse, and then the next one reads a verse and so on.  Nine year old Katelyn sat on the other side of Sister Elkington and said, “Will you take me to Church?  I have a Sunday dress, but, I don’t have any Sunday shoes.” Sister Elkington assured her she could just wear her sandals.  Then other children said they wanted to go to Church.  Five of them indicated they wanted to attend Church.
We had a busy morning meeting with the Stake Presidency in a 7:00 AM missionary coordination meeting.  Then we met with the Heritage Park Branch Council at 11:30.  We left that meeting early and went to the reservation to get the children for Church.  They naturally received a cookie to eat on the way to Church.  They were very well mannered and respectful. (They also got another cookie on the way home from Church).  They said they want to continue
Elder and Sister Elkington
September 27, 2015
We continue to go through the Heritage Park Branch membership list – knocking on doors where the list indicates members live.  When no one answers the door we leave a note on one of our cards expressing sorrow at missing them and saying we will call again.  After several tries, it is easy to convince yourself that the member in question is avoiding you; but, then someone answers the door and they are very happy to see you!  Just because no one answers a knock on the door does not mean they are avoiding you!
We go with the young elders when they teach a nine year old boy on the Shivwits Reservation.  He along with siblings and cousins (7 to 9 of them) are being raised by their grandmother. The elders have completed the prescribed lessons and are now reading from the Book of Mormon with him.  Sister Elkington has ingratiated herself to these children by taking cookies each time. When the elders tell Ethan they are going to read he gets his copy of the Book of Mormon and the other children run and get their copies.  They are so anxious to read the scriptures.  Ethan holds his book very close to his eyes – it is obvious he is near sighted.  (We are going to see if we can get his eyes checked through the school.)  Ethan’s seven year old sister sat by Sister Elkington and said, “I can’t read.  Will you help me?’  We take turns reading – each person reads one verse, and then the next one reads a verse and so on.  Nine year old Katelyn sat on the other side of Sister Elkington and said, “Will you take me to Church?  I have a Sunday dress, but, I don’t have any Sunday shoes.” Sister Elkington assured her she could just wear her sandals.  Then other children said they wanted to go to Church.  Five of them indicated they wanted to attend Church.
We had a busy morning meeting with the Stake Presidency in a 7:00 AM missionary coordination meeting.  Then we met with the Heritage Park Branch Council at 11:30.  We left that meeting early and went to the reservation to get the children for Church.  They naturally received a cookie to eat on the way to Church.  They were very well mannered and respectful. (They also got another cookie on the way home from Church).  They said they want to continue attending Church.
We could describe several similarly fulfilling experiences we have had this week.  We love these people we are serving and we love our mission.  The young missionaries are very good teachers and they are a joy to work with!

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